


What's with all the golden bikini lately?

EDIT: Looked up if other people asked the same thing, and it seems to be Golden Week related (one person went so far as to call it a tradition, but personally, I never noticed it in years prior).

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    Ghost_H said:

    What's with all the golden bikini lately?

    EDIT: Looked up if other people asked the same thing, and it seems to be Golden Week related (one person went so far as to call it a tradition, but personally, I never noticed it in years prior).

    I was mostly made aware of it being a trend this year because of how popular it seemed to be, lots of great fan art being made with the golden bikini. I guess it goes back a bit further though, here's the "know your meme" page that has some more info, https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/golden-bikini-week

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    War induced childhood trauma, indoctrination, religious fanaticism, narcissism, god complex, delusions of grandur, severe depression, obsesion with control, sadistic tendencies, abuse of authority, religious extremism, conspiracy, treason, literal heresy and blasphemy, ... having an unhealty desire for his sister is the lesser of his many problems at this point... and ours.

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